The North American ecologist Aldo Leopold was one of the first to propose a truly ecological ethic as far back as the 1930s. His formulation of deep ecology can be found in A Sand County Almanac (London, UK: Oxford University Press, 1949). Leopold states that "a thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community. It is wrong when it tends otherwise". His chapter "Thinking Like a Mountain" contrasts the short-term interests of humans. He demontrates that unless we can identify with the ecosystem and "think like a mountain", disaster is inevitable.
Also the australian rainforest activist John Seed has used the same title on the book "Thinking like a Mountain. Towards a Council af All Beings", which is a collection of readings, meditations, poems and more, designed to help us move beyond the sense of alienation from the living Earth that most of us feel.
This blog is made within the same aim; to inspire readers to think more "mountainious". The picture you see in the background of the blog is of "Vågakallen", in The Lofoten islands, Norway, and it is also shown below:
Also the australian rainforest activist John Seed has used the same title on the book "Thinking like a Mountain. Towards a Council af All Beings", which is a collection of readings, meditations, poems and more, designed to help us move beyond the sense of alienation from the living Earth that most of us feel.
This blog is made within the same aim; to inspire readers to think more "mountainious". The picture you see in the background of the blog is of "Vågakallen", in The Lofoten islands, Norway, and it is also shown below: